Thursday, December 12, 2013

Quick Charity Quilts

A couple of years ago I picked up a few prints from the flat fold table at my local quilt shop for a really low price, knowing they would make great charity quilts.

Earlier this year I put together the pink quilt so I could practice quilting in loops...

And then when my husband bought a {new to me} sewing machine for my birthday in September, I put together this boy's quilt so I could get a feel for the Bernina walking foot. And that guide bar? Awesome! Makes grid quilting a breeze!

When I heard our church group was participating in a community charity event this weekend, I knew these quilts would be perfect! So I quickly finished the binding and they are ready to go.
They each measure 44" x 60" and though they are not fancy, these simple whole cloth quilts are warm!

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